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Black is Beautiful  

Watching Anderson Cooper 360 last night, I was amazed at all the attention and emphasis suddenly being placed on African Americans. It's almost as if all of a sudden, it's SOOO cool to be black. There was an array of contributors from fashion industry experts to news anchors weighing in on the Obamas and their branding affect on the economy. I saw a Barack Obama "Barbie" for lack of a better description, complete with interchangeable ties, and weaponry. There's the whole issue about whether or not the Ty Company is abusing the First Daughters privacy by releasing Marvelous Malia and Sweet Sasha dolls. J. Crew's website went down after the media released that the inauguration day outfits worn by the girls were J. Crew. They were custom made for the girls but similar styles are to be released with the Fall line. Mothers everywhere are scrambling though to come up with look a like options. First Lady Michelle's inauguration gown designed by Jason Wu already has spoofs from other designers. There are Obama earrings, Obama wine glasses, Obama hot sauce, the list goes on and on. Not to mention the underground merchandise. The Obamas superstar qualities could single handedly lift the economy, lol. Roland Martin mentioned on Inauguration Day that because of the President, designers and print ads would be scrambling to feature more African Americans, and the other contributors shook their heads. But it looks like he was right. One modeling company featured on AC360 said that they have received several calls for look a likes of the Obama girls. And a fashion industry expert commented back that absolutely runways, magazines and print ads will feel the pressure to use more African Americans. Because "Black is Beautiful even if America is just realizing that." I almost fell off my bed when he made this comment. Well then...gone head sir...Black is Beautiful. We knew that all along and now America realizing first hand just how beautiful it is and how beautiful we are.


In the Midst of it All  

It never ceases to amaze me how God keeps me in the midst of storms. We're in an all out recession, and I have everything I had before the recession started. All around me, people are losing their jobs, their homes, their cars, and God has an umbrella of protection over me. I got overwhelmed thinking about how much God loves little old me...and how much I don't deserve it but how great He is in spite of. On Monday, I found out I was getting a raise while 80,000 people were laid off from their jobs. Young talented friends of friends are being laid off one by one and God is still watching over me.
Thank you Lord for keeping me in the midst of it all!


Mr. President  

I am so proud of you. And I am SO proud to be an American today! My President looks like me! His wife is beautiful, their children are gorgeous and it makes me happy to see so many people walking around with pins, buttons, hats, scarves, earrings, t-shirts, everything with your face/name strewn across them. I have never in my lifetime seen so many people stand behind a politician, be so moved, or so excited about politics and America's future...and it truly moves me and I'm so proud of you...Mr. President.


Happy Birthday Dr. King  

Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase. 
-Martin Luther King Jr.

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
-Martin Luther King Jr.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
-Martin Luther King Jr.

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
-Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963


Happy 2009!!  

Happy New Year!! Isn't it interesting that we celebrate a new year by wishing one a "Happy New Year," the culmination of night by saying "Good Night," the start of a new day with "Good Morning." So why not celebrate every month as well?! Happy New Month! Or Happy [insert month here]! Yes, wouldn't that be clever as well and add to our ever continuing celebration of life. I think so...I like it, it does celebrate the moment. I even go as far to say Happy Wednesday (Hump Day) or Happy Friday! Those two days are my favorite weekdays.
I have a daily mantra for 2009 that I've adapted from one of Mr. Osteen's Today's Word email.
Choose to start your day by declaring what God says about you. Declare, "I am blessed. I am prosperous. I am healthy and strong. I have favor. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I am the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath."
I'm going to post it on my bathroom mirror and speak it everyday in 2009, living with an attitude of expectancy.
Happy January!