Mister L

When I hear you voice
My soul smiles
This is where I was meant to beMy entire life
When you laugh, it's contagious
And I find myself
Caught up
In minutes
We're both laughing
Our heads off at God knows what
You have this way of squeezing my knee
And kind of a double-eyed blink
That signals to me
I love you
When it gets bad
I can't walk awayLike there's an invisible rope binding us
You're my Love Drug
When we're not speaking
I find it hard to functionFound myself praying every minute of the day
Just to get by and save my sanity
The smallest things make me soo happy
The way you laugh
Kind of deep and smooth
Relaxes my soul
Even when I'm talking a mile
A minute
And I know you're
Not listening, And you just go
"mmm-hmm" or "yep"
I love you for pretending
When I fell in love with you
I didn't have a choice
But to stay loving you
That is what I choose to do
That is a commitment on my behalf
A commitment
That you have also made to me
And through this commitment
I believe we have truly come to
I see your faults
And I love you anyway
I recognize your growth
And I love you for it
You see my faults
And you love me anyway
You recognize my growth
And you love me for it
I love you for all that you are
And all that you will be
I love us
You are my
Love Drug
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